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-BuckerBook | Tienda de Aviación
The book Pilots in Command: Your Best Trip, Every Trip gives solid advice from real pilots to students and professional aviators on how to be true leaders.
Airline pilots are viewed by passengers and crew as leaders. Newly hired pilots, as well as those being promoted to Captain, are required to have training, experience and skills that demonstrate practical leadership ability and professionalism.
They need direct guidance on how to perform the role of pilot in command. Pilots know that when things go wrong, everyone looks to the captain, the pilot in command, to make things right.
This book conveys sound advice to student and professional aviators on how to be transformational leaders. This third edition offers new perspectives on the airline training process, common experiences and practices new pilots face as they enter the airline industry, expands on the previous edition's discussions on culture, professionalism, pilot schedules and tenders, and safety for today's airline operations, and includes new tips for maintaining professional excellence and optimizing your quality of life as an airline pilot.
This edition also includes a new chapter on preparing for and completing the initial qualification course, covering aircraft systems training, flight deck procedures training, maneuvering training, line-oriented flight training (LOFT) and line-oriented evaluation.
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