Private Pilot / PPL

Private Pilot Textbook
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Private Pilot / PPL

Private Pilot Textbook

The book Private Pilot Textbook contains complete and concise explanations of the fundamental concepts and ideas that every private pilot needs to know. Book size: 21 cm x 27.3 cm
CASA C-212 "Aviocar" | BuckerBook CASA C-212 "Aviocar" | BuckerBook 2
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Operational Procedures

Pilot's Pocket Handbook

Pilot's Pocket Handbook is an extremely useful collection of everyday aviation facts, figures charts and planning aids.
CASA C-212 "Aviocar" | BuckerBook
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Commercial Pilot / ATPL

Pilots in Command

The book Pilots in Command: Your Best Trip, Every Trip gives solid advice from real pilots to students and professional aviators on how to be true leaders.
The Glider Pilot Manual BTG130  Private Pilot / PPL
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Private Pilot / PPL

The Glider Pilot Manual

The Glider Pilot Manual EAN13 9781843360780 TITLE The Glider Pilot's Manual by Ken Stewart Author:  Ken Stewart Paperback Editorial Air Pilot Publisher Ltd Year Published 20030920
101 Things to do with your Prive Pilot's License, 3RD Edition BTG936 McGrawHill Private Pilot / PPL
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Private Pilot / PPL

101 Things to do with your Prive Pilot's License, 3RD...

101 Things to do with your Prive Pilot's License, 3RD Edition FLY HIGH, FLY LONG, FLY FREE, FLY FOREVER This guide for new pilots proves that the fun has just begun when you pocket that precious certificate that says you're free to fly on your own. Now, veteran pilot LeRoy Cook shows you what lies beyond flight school. This indispensable, skill-building...
Multi-Engine Piston BTG908 Pooleys Private Pilot / PPL
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Private Pilot / PPL

Multi-Engine Piston

Multi-engine Piston (Master Pilot's Manuals S.) EAN13: 9781843360803 Publisher: Air Pilot Publishing Imprint: Air Pilot Publishing Pub date: 01 Mar 2004 Edition: New Edition Language: English Number of pages: 180 Weight: 338g Height: 220mm Width: 155mm
Aerobatics, Principles & Practise - Robson BTC040 Pooleys Private Pilot / PPL
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Private Pilot / PPL

Aerobatics, Principles & Practise - Robson

AEROBATIC NEWS REVIEW The book is easy to read and full of helpful diagrams that clearly illustrate the text. Aerobatic's physiological effect on the pilot and the aerodynamics involved are a fairly complex subject and one that can be boring for a hands-on pilot who just wants to learn how to carry out the manoeuvres. This book will not bore you and will...
Pooleys Pilot Aircraft Guides – Piper Warrior PA28 PAG040 Pooleys Private Pilot / PPL
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Private Pilot / PPL

Pooleys Pilot Aircraft Guides – Piper Warrior PA28

Pooleys Pilot Aircraft Guides – Piper Warrior PA28  Reprinted with amendments January 2022 Language: English ISBN: 9781843361121 Editorial Pooleys Flight Equipment Limited Size: 14 x 21cm Pages: 114 Author: Martyn Blunden
Fisiología Aeronáutica 9798754941991 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Monographs Fisiología Aeronáutica 9798754941991 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Monographs 2
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Fisiología Aeronáutica

Biblioteca Aeronáutica
New Edition 2021 EAN13: 9798754941991 Type Book Author Facundo Jorge Matias Conforti Softcover Language: Spanish / Castilian Printing: Colour Pages: 188 Layout: 15.24 x 1.22 x 22.86 cm Edition: 2021 Weight: 0,263 kg. Publisher: Biblioteca Aeronautica
Seguridad Operacional 9789877838756 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Monographs Seguridad Operacional 9789877838756 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Monographs 2
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Seguridad Operacional

Biblioteca Aeronáutica
EAN13: 9789877838756 Type Book Author Facundo Jorge Matias Conforti Softcover Language: Spanish / Castilian Printing: Colour Pages: 188 Layout: 15.24 x 1.22 x 22.86 cm Edition: 2019 Weight: 0,270 kg. Publisher: Biblioteca Aeronautica
Supervivencia 9798636385349 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Monographs Supervivencia 9798636385349 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Monographs 2
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Biblioteca Aeronáutica
New Edition 2020 EAN13: 9798636385349 Type Book Author Facundo Jorge Matias Conforti Softcover Language: Spanish / Castilian Printing: Colour Pages: 188 Layout: 15.24 x 1.22 x 22.86 cm Edition: 2020 Weight: 0,345 kg. Publisher: Biblioteca Aeronautica
Piloto de planeador 9798374095616 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Glider Pilot Piloto de planeador 9798374095616 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Glider Pilot 2
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Glider Pilot

Piloto de planeador

Biblioteca Aeronáutica
EAN13: 9798374095616 Type Book Author Facundo Jorge Matias Conforti Softcover Language: Spanish / Castilian Printing: Colour Pages: 188 Layout: 15.24 x 1.09 x 22.86 cm Edition: 2023 Weight: 0,345 kg. Publisher: Biblioteca Aeronautica
Multi-Crew Cabina Compartida 9798840213421 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Human Performance and Limitations Multi-Crew Cabina Compartida 9798840213421 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Human Performance and Limitations 2
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Human Performance and Limitations

Multi-Crew Cabina Compartida

Biblioteca Aeronáutica
New Edition 2022 EAN13: 9798840213421 Type Book Author Facundo Jorge Matias Conforti Softcover Language: Spanish / Castilian Printing: Colour Pages: 190 Layout: 15.24 x 1.09 x 22.86 cm Edition: 2022 Weight: 0,263 kg. Publisher: Biblioteca Aeronautica
Despachador de Vuelo 9798535126463 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Commercial Pilot / ATPL Despachador de Vuelo 9798535126463 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Commercial Pilot / ATPL 2
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Commercial Pilot / ATPL

Despachador de Vuelo

Biblioteca Aeronáutica
EAN13: 9798535126463  Type Book Author Facundo Jorge Matias Conforti Softcover Language: Spanish / Castilian Printing: Colour Pages: 186 Layout: 15.24 x 1.07 x 22.86 cm Edition: 2021 Weight: 0,259 kg. Publisher: Biblioteca Aeronautica
Aeropuertos 9798562373601 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Operational Procedures Aeropuertos 9798562373601 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Operational Procedures 2
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Operational Procedures


Biblioteca Aeronáutica
EAN13: 9798562373601 Type Book Author Facundo Jorge Matias Conforti Softcover Language: Spanish / Castilian Printing: Colour Pages: 190 Layout: 15.24 x 1.09 x 22.86 cm Edition: 2020 Weight: 0,263 kg. Publisher: Biblioteca Aeronautica
Navegación Visual 9798695411096 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Navigation & Radionavigation Navegación Visual 9798695411096 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Navigation & Radionavigation 2
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Navigation & Radionavigation

Navegación Visual

Biblioteca Aeronáutica
EAN13: 9798695411096 Type Book Author Facundo Jorge Matias Conforti Softcover Language: Spanish / Castilian Printing: Colour Pages: 194 Layout: 15.24 x 1.24 x 22.86 cm Edition: 2020 Weight: 0,295 kg. Publisher: Biblioteca Aeronautica
Motores Aeronáuticos 9789877786835 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Mechanic / AMT Motores Aeronáuticos 9789877786835 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Mechanic / AMT 2
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Mechanic / AMT

Motores Aeronáuticos

Biblioteca Aeronáutica
EAN13: 9789877786835 Type Book Author Facundo Jorge Matías Conforti Softcover Language: Spanish / Castilian Printing: Colour Pages: 189 Layout: 15.24 x 1.22 x 22.86 cm Edition: 2019 Weight: 0.286 kg. Publisher: Biblioteca Aeronautica
Examen Práctico. Piloto Privado y Piloto Comercial 9789874289346 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Aviation Exam Examen Práctico. Piloto Privado y Piloto Comercial 9789874289346 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Aviation Exam 2
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Aviation Exam

Examen Práctico. Piloto Privado y Piloto Comercial

Biblioteca Aeronáutica
Examen Práctico. Piloto Privado y Piloto Comercial EAN13: 9789874289346 Type Book Author Facundo Jorge Matías Conforti Softcover Language: Spanish / Castilian Printing: Colour Pages: 202 Layout: 15.24 x 1.3 x 22.86 cm Edition: 2019 Weight: 0.304 kg. Publisher: Biblioteca Aeronautica
Flight Maneuvers Virtual Test Prep® 9781619541948 ASA Commercial Pilot / ATPL
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Commercial Pilot / ATPL

Flight Maneuvers Virtual Test Prep®

Includes DVD and Blu-ray disks! Inflight footage, high-definition air-to-air video, 3D and animated graphics, experienced flight instrctors help you prepare for the private, sport, commercial, and CFI Checkrides. 
Aerorreactores Principios Básicos de la Propulsión de Aeronaves 9788417946388 Dextra Aerodynamics & Performance
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Aerodynamics & Performance

Aerorreactores Principios Básicos de la Propulsión de...

Helicopter turboshaft engines, afterburner turbojets on supersonic fighter jets, turboprops on freighter aircraft, and high bypass ratio turbofan engines on large commercial aircraft are part of the family of propulsion systems known as aero jets, which power and propel virtually all of today's aircraft.
Medicina Aeronáutica 9788491937043  Home
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Medicina Aeronáutica

Medicina Aeronáutica. Disfunciones a Bordo y Recomendaciones Post-Quirúrgicas
Electricidad básica en aeronaves 9788428341141 Paraninfo Home
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Electricidad básica en aeronaves

This book contains the description and operation of all the electrical components and equipment of an aircraft, as well as the recommendations that the technician must take into account during practice or work on them. In this new edition, many contents have been updated, including EWIS, lithium batteries, LED lights, electrical components, transmission...
Student Pilot Guide 9781560276487 ASA Home
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Student Pilot Guide

How do I get a pilot’s license? Where do I start? Who can I ask? All these questions and more are answered in the FAA’s Student Pilot Guide. For veteran members of the flying community, the question “How do I get a pilot’s license?” seems to have a simple answer. But for the uninitiated, it is a task that can seem overwhelming. Before beginning flight...
Aircraft Weight and Balance Handbook 9781619544819 ASA Aerodynamics & Performance
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Aerodynamics & Performance

Aircraft Weight and Balance Handbook

Aircraft Weight and Balance Handbook contains helpful information on weight and balance for pilots, flight engineers, and aviation maintenance technicians (AMTs). Weight and balance is an important aspect of the safety of flight. An overweight aircraft, or one whose center of gravity is outside the allowable limits, is inefficient and dangerous to fly....
Human Performance For Pilots Simplified BJS05 Pooleys Home
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At last a pilot guide on Human Performance and Limitations that is: Simple to understand being written in layman’s terms, keeping the jargon to a minimum. Covering the JAA private pilots syllabus on Human Performance and Limitations. Pertinent to the student through professional pilot. Although primarily aimed at pilots, other aviation personnel will find...
Navigation for Pilots Simplified BJS06 Pooleys Home
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Navigation for Pilots Simplified This pilot guide covers the private pilot sailing curriculum, and written in simple terms with numerous illustrations to make it easier to understand.
Checklist for Success 9781619549456 ASA Interviews / Job Hunting
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Interviews / Job Hunting

Checklist for Success

A pilot's guide to a successful airline career counseling interview, from application to interview. This is where Checklist for Success comes in very handy. In this book, Cheryl Cage ? whose name has become synonymous with exceptional career guidance ? takes you from application through to the interview. She not only offers a thorough interview...
To Be A Pilot 6th Edition 9781847970138  Home
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To Be A Pilot 6th Edition

For over a quarter of a century this book has been a leading source of information for those who wish to find out about flying and what it takes to become a pilot. This new edition contains full details of the latest harmonized European legislation. The book advises on how to become a private, commercial, airline or military pilot. Both fixed-wing and...
Pilot's Weather 9781840370270  Meteorology
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Pilot's Weather

This book breaks new ground in the presentation of what is and should be presented as a fascinating and vitally important part of a pilot's skill. Gone are the dreary old monotone drawings of isobars and fronts, endless graphs and reams of figures and in bounce full colour photos of what you actually see - clouds and cloudscapes that tell you instantly...
Instrument Flying 9781861267498  Home
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Instrument Flying

In Northern Europe it is rare to see two consecutive days when the weather is perfect for flight without reference to instruments. If a pilot wants to operate in the greatest variety of weather conditions and airspace, he must be capable of interpreting the instruments and must know and understand the procedures that have been designed to safely...
Flight Exercises for the PPL 9781861267191  Home
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Flight Exercises for the PPL

A practical and concise guide to the flight exercises for the Aeroplane PPL and ratings associated with it. Both the JAR and NPPL Private Pilot's License syllabuses are covered, as well as the JAR Night Rating, the CAA Instrument Meteorological Conditions Rating and the JAR Multi-Engine Rating. The common variations - retractable undercarriages,...
Trial Flight Guide : The Aeroplane 9781843360452 Pooleys Introduction to Aviation
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Introduction to Aviation

Trial Flight Guide : The Aeroplane

Whether or not the trial lesson you have booked is a gift or you have decided to find out about flying for yourself, you will find that the experience will be greatly enhanced if you have read through this short guide in advance. You do not need to learn the contents of this guide, but you will find that some of the terminology and jargon will be less of...
Visualized Flight Maneuvers Handbook - High Wing ASA-VFM-HI-5 ASA Home
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Traditionally known as the "blue book of maneuvers", this manual complies with the current rules and regulations of practical tests for the certification of Private Instructor, Sport, Commercial and Flight. This fourth edition is an excellent learning and teaching aid for instructors and students as it is a fully illustrated manual, with 52 fold-out...
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