
Conocimientos del Avion Paraninfo 9788428341769 Paraninfo Home
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CGA & Principles of Flight

Conocimientos del Avion Paraninfo

Impresión: B & N Páginas: 1048 Formato: 17 x 24 cm Edición: 2007 Peso: 1,68 kg. Editorial: Paraninfo
CASA C-212 "Aviocar" | BuckerBook CASA C-212 "Aviocar" | BuckerBook 2
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Aerodynamics & Performance

Pilots Rules of Thumb

Pilots Rules of Thumb is a book that contains a lot of flying tips that greatly help in planning and flying when it is not necessary to look up numbers in charts and tables.
Comunicaciones Seguridad en Vuelo Paraninfo 9788428328951 Paraninfo Communications
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Comunicaciones Seguridad en Vuelo Paraninfo

Book that gathers theoretical knowledge for the obtaining of the Private Pilot License, in the matter of COMMUNICATIONS. This second edition, totally updated, is supervised and verified by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation and its author, Joaquín C. Adsuar, develops the official syllabus of the Joint Aviation Requirements (JAR). This manual...
Airbus A320. Emergencies 9789874242051-2 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Operational Procedures
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Operational Procedures

Airbus A320. Emergencies

Biblioteca Aeronáutica
Airbus A320. Emergencies The purpose of this book is to provide the reader with the necessary tools to understand what happens before various situations that jeopardize the safety of the aircraft and all its occupants. In this issue, you will learn about the operation of the aircraft in the event of various emergency situations that may arise in flight. A...
Factores Humanos Paraninfo 9788428329316 Paraninfo Home
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Human Performance and Limitations

Factores Humanos Paraninfo

Book that gathers theoretical knowledge for the obtaining of the License of Private Pilot, in the matter of HUMAN FACTORS. In this second edition totally updated, its author, D. Joaquín C. Adsuar, develops the official link of the joint requirements of Aviation (JAR). This manual includes all those comments or questions that, in the opinion of the...
CAE Oxford EASA ATPL Set ABS CAE - Oxford Commercial Pilot / ATPL
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Commercial Pilot / ATPL


CAE - Oxford
This is the full set of 14 ATPL Manuals  Current Edition - First Edition (Revised for NPA29) 
CASA C-212 "Aviocar" | BuckerBook
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Navigating Weather

The Navigating Weather book provides the fundamental knowledge and skills for operating weather radars, how they work and how to interpret them. Book size: 18.4 cm x 22.8 cm
Sistemas básicos del avión 9798362889814 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Instruments Sistemas básicos del avión 9798362889814 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Instruments 2
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Sistemas básicos del avión

Biblioteca Aeronáutica
EAN13: 9798362889814 Type Book Author Facundo Jorge Matias Conforti Softcover Language: Spanish / Castilian Printing: Colour Pages: 190 Layout: 15.24 x 1.09 x 22.86 cm Edition: 2022 Weight: 0,263 kg. Publisher: Biblioteca Aeronautica
Airbus A320. Abnormal Operation 9781661076870 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Operational Procedures Airbus A320. Abnormal Operation 9781661076870 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Operational Procedures 2
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Operational Procedures

Airbus A320. Abnormal Operation

Biblioteca Aeronáutica
Airbus A320. Abnormal Operation This manual serves as a technical complement to understand the steps to follow for each failure that may occur when operating aircraft systems. A practical and entertaining guide as only the Aeronautical Library can offer. The objective of this manual is that each reader understands the correct resolution of the emergencies...
Meteorologia Paraninfo 9788428328586 Paraninfo Home
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Meteorología Paraninfo

Book that gathers theoretical knowledge for the obtaining of the License of Private Pilot, in the matter of METEREOLOGY. This second edition, totally updated, is supervised and verified by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation and its author, Joaquín C. Adsuar, develops the official syllabus of the Joint Aviation Requirements (JAR). This manual...
Navegación Sistemas y Equipos 9788460476962 J F M Vadillo Home
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Navigation & Radionavigation

Navegación Sistemas y Equipos

J F M Vadillo
This great manual, based on O.A.C.I. regulations, is the didactic material necessary for the training of future pilots. It offers a fundamental help in the preparation of the theoretical and practical tests to obtain the current Aeronautical Titles. Essential for those instructors of Flight and Theory, as well as for professionals of the Civil or...
Cabinas de Vuelo: Instrumentación (IV Edición) | BuckerBook
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The book Cabinas de Vuelo: Instrumentación AVA - 4ª Edición is the perfect pilot's handbook that covers all the rules, procedures and techniques necessary for anyone wishing to get started in aeronautical phraseology. Number of pages: 542 Language: Spanish Binding type: Softcover Size: 16.5 cm x 23.5 cm Author: F.J. González Castillo and F.J. Hoyas...
Instrument Procedures Handbook 9781619546332 ASA Instruments
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Instrument Procedures Handbook

The Instrument Procedures Handbook is a technical reference manual for professional pilots who operate under instrument flight rules (IFR). It provides real-world guidance on how instrument-rated pilots can best use the system they've trained for, as well as in-depth coverage of instrument charts and procedures for IFR takeoff, departure, en route,...
CASA C-212 "Aviocar" | BuckerBook CASA C-212 "Aviocar" | BuckerBook 2
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Instrument Flight Review

Instrument Flight Review is an easy and stimulating way to refresh your instrument flight and pass an IPC check if necessary.
Principios de Vuelo Paraninfo 9788428329446 Paraninfo Home
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CGA & Principles of Flight

Principios de Vuelo Paraninfo

The author of this book, D. Joaquín C. Adsuar, with more than 30 years of experience in theoretical and flight teaching, develops in its entirety the official JAR program for the private pilot license on PRINCIPLES OF FLIGHT. This precious manual includes all those comments or questions that allow the applicant for a pilot's license, the necessary...
Navegacion Aerea Paraninfo 9788428329477 Paraninfo Home
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Navigation & Radionavigation

Navegacion Aerea Paraninfo

Book that gathers theoretical knowledge for the obtaining of the Private Pilot License, in the matter of AERIAL NAVIGATION. This third edition includes an in-depth review and updating of the topics dealt with, which, compared to previous editions, has led to an increase in the volume of the book of more than 40%. Its author, Joaquín C. Adsuar develops...
Cockpit Procedures 9781560277217 ASA Operational Procedures
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Operational Procedures

Cockpit Procedures

Effective cockpit routines for pilots and virtual aviators.
Conocimiento General de la Aeronave Paraninfo 9788428328562 Paraninfo CGA & Principles of Flight
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CGA & Principles of Flight

Conocimiento General de la Aeronave Paraninfo

Book that gathers theoretical knowledge for the obtaining of the Private Pilot License, in the matter of GENERAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE AIRPLANE, PERFORMANCE AND FLIGHT PLANNING. This second edition is supervised and verified by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation and its author, Joaquín C. Adsuar, develops the official syllabus of the Joint Aviation...
Aeronautical Chart User's Guide. 16th Edition
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Navigation & Radionavigation

Aeronautical Chart User's Guide. 16th Edition

The book Aeronautical Chart User's Guide. 16th Edition is perfect for interpreting and understanding all aeronautical charts. Number of Pages: 136 Language: English Binding Type: Softbound Size: 21.2 cm x 27.6 cm Author: FAA Aeronautical Information Service
2025 FAR/AIM 2025 FAR/AIM 2
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Air Law

2025 FAR/AIM

The 2025 FAR/AIM book contains complete and up-to-date information on the Federal Aviation Regulations and the Aeronautical Information Manual. Number of Pages: 1120 Language: English Binding Type: Softbound Size: 15.2 cm x 22.8 cm Author: ASA
Student Pilot Handbook Student Pilot Handbook 2
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Operational Procedures

Student Pilot Handbook

Student Pilot Handbook contains all checklists, flight maneuvers and procedures, flight planning, training program and checkride preparation.
CASA C-212 "Aviocar" | BuckerBook CASA C-212 "Aviocar" | BuckerBook 2
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Operational Procedures

Pilot's Pocket Handbook

Pilot's Pocket Handbook is an extremely useful collection of everyday aviation facts, figures charts and planning aids.
Stick and Rudder 9780070362406 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Operational Procedures Stick and Rudder 9780070362406 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Operational Procedures 2
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Operational Procedures

Stick and Rudder

Biblioteca Aeronáutica
Stick and Rudder This book is the first accurate analysis of the art of flying. It shows precisely what the pilot is doing when flying, how he is doing it, and why. Because the basic concepts remain largely unchanged, the book is applicable to large, small, old, and new aircraft. Today several excellent manuals offer the pilot accurate and valuable...
Boeing 737 Panels 9798391563303 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Operational Procedures Boeing 737 Panels 9798391563303 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Operational Procedures 2
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Operational Procedures

Boeing 737 Panels

Biblioteca Aeronáutica
Boeing 737 Panels This book is dedicated exclusively to the Boeing 737 NG panels. In each chapter you will learn every part of the panels, every function, every indication. After reading this book, just look at the cockpit panels on a B737 and you will understand what you are seeing perfectly. Here you will learn all the sections of the overhead panel,...
Multi-Engine Piston BTG908 Pooleys Private Pilot / PPL
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Private Pilot / PPL

Multi-Engine Piston

Multi-engine Piston (Master Pilot's Manuals S.) EAN13: 9781843360803 Publisher: Air Pilot Publishing Imprint: Air Pilot Publishing Pub date: 01 Mar 2004 Edition: New Edition Language: English Number of pages: 180 Weight: 338g Height: 220mm Width: 155mm
CRM y FFHH: Análisis de accidentes reales 9789874276650 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Operational Procedures CRM y FFHH: Análisis de accidentes reales 9789874276650 Biblioteca Aeronáutica Operational Procedures 2
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Operational Procedures

CRM y FFHH: Análisis de accidentes reales

Biblioteca Aeronáutica
Type Book Author Facundo Jorge Matías Conforti Softcover Language: Spanish / Castilian Printing: Colour Pages: 186 Layout: 15.24 x 1.19 x 22.86 cm Edition: 2019 Weight: 0.285 kg. Publisher: Biblioteca Aeronautica
Aerorreactores Principios Básicos de la Propulsión de Aeronaves 9788417946388 Dextra Aerodynamics & Performance
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Aerodynamics & Performance

Aerorreactores Principios Básicos de la Propulsión de...

Helicopter turboshaft engines, afterburner turbojets on supersonic fighter jets, turboprops on freighter aircraft, and high bypass ratio turbofan engines on large commercial aircraft are part of the family of propulsion systems known as aero jets, which power and propel virtually all of today's aircraft.
Medicina Aeronáutica 9788491937043  Home
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Medicina Aeronáutica

Medicina Aeronáutica. Disfunciones a Bordo y Recomendaciones Post-Quirúrgicas
Aircraft Weight and Balance Handbook 9781619544819 ASA Aerodynamics & Performance
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Aerodynamics & Performance

Aircraft Weight and Balance Handbook

Aircraft Weight and Balance Handbook contains helpful information on weight and balance for pilots, flight engineers, and aviation maintenance technicians (AMTs). Weight and balance is an important aspect of the safety of flight. An overweight aircraft, or one whose center of gravity is outside the allowable limits, is inefficient and dangerous to fly....
Pilot's Weather 9781840370270  Meteorology
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Pilot's Weather

This book breaks new ground in the presentation of what is and should be presented as a fascinating and vitally important part of a pilot's skill. Gone are the dreary old monotone drawings of isobars and fronts, endless graphs and reams of figures and in bounce full colour photos of what you actually see - clouds and cloudscapes that tell you instantly...
Análisis de Fallos en Sistemas Aeronauticos 9788428337144 Paraninfo Mechanic / AMT
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Mechanic / AMT

Análisis de Fallos en Sistemas Aeronauticos

Book whose genesis is the investigation of the technical aspect of the aerospace industry, with an interdisciplinary perspective and an integral vision of contribution to operational safety. It is a useful work for all sectors and specialties of aeronautical activity. The contents and analysis are of interest in the operational safety of both commercial...
ABC del ATM: Definiciones y Acrónimos para la Navegación Aérea 9788483444870 UAM Publ Navigation & Radionavigation
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Navigation & Radionavigation

ABC del ATM: Definiciones y Acrónimos para la Navegación...

UAM Publ
This book, edited and published by the Publication Service of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), includes concepts, abbreviations, acronyms and acronyms within the aeronautical field.The definitions and concepts have been compiled in this book so that the reader can have them within his reach, saving him from having to consult multiple manuals,...
Derecho Aereo Paraninfo 9788428340847 Paraninfo Home
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Air Law

Derecho Aereo Paraninfo

Book that gathers theoretical knowledge for the obtaining of the License of Private Pilot, in the matter of AIR LAW. This second edition is supervised and verified by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation and its author, Joaquín C. Adsuar, develops the official syllabus of the Joint Aviation Requirements (JAR). This manual includes all those comments...
Feliz Vuelo: Como Perder el Miedo a Volar 9788408005162  Human Performance and Limitations
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Human Performance and Limitations

Feliz Vuelo: Como Perder el Miedo a Volar

This practical book reveals the method for overcoming the fear of flying. Based on the courses that the company Wolters Kluwer Spain gives to overcome the fear that some people manifest: the fear of flying. This guide written by an experienced airplane pilot and a psychologist specialized in self-control and relaxation therapies is the ideal one to...
Aerodinamica del Avion y Helicopteros 8460961990 A. Esteban Oñate Helicopters
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Aerodinamica del Avion y Helicopteros

A. Esteban Oñate
Book on Aircraft Aerodynamics and Helicopters by the great author Antonio Esteban Oñate, its text conforms to the JAR FCL-2 (Helicopters) Learning Objectives "Principles of Flight" and JAR 66 Aerodynamics Modules. It includes a 550-question quiz.
Radio Nav & Instrument Vol.5 | BuckerBook Radio Nav & Instrument Vol.5 | BuckerBook 2
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Private Pilot / PPL

Air Pilot's Manual: Vol.5 Radio Nav & Instrument

The book Air Pilot's Manual: Vol.5 Radio Nav & Instrument contains information on navigation and instrument, IMC and night flight ratings. Number of Pages: 554 Language: English Binding Type: Softbound Size: 14.8 cm x 21.6 cm Author: Pooley's CURRENT EDITION: 10TH REVISED EDITION, MAY 2022
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